Saturday, June 4, 2011

Entertainment in the Hall House - 1906

So it's a Friday night in 1906 at the newly built Hall House... there's no TV, no radio, no internet.... heck, you're still using gas lighting! What to do, what to do?? Well if you were lucky enough to have a victrola you could crank that up... or you could play with a few of my latest auction finds!

Quite the novelty in it's day, you could spend hours looking at scenes from around the globe with this stereoscope... in 3D!! I picked this up complete with a stack of picture cards with some awesome turn of the century scenes.

Tired of looking at cards, well then time to get out the Magic Lantern...

While you enjoy some grown up slides, your kids could play with their very own A.C. Gilbert toy lantern, complete with story slides and cartoons. Yes, this was when it was still ok to let kids play with open flames. Light the oil lamp and insert the slides for hours of entertainment!

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